Team Name:  WOTH 1533
Team Fee Paid: Yes
  Qualify for
LAST NAME FIRST NAME Method of Individual Registration Minor Under 18yrs  Wrist band Event T-shirt ($100) Date Shirt was Picked Up Shirt Size Free Lunch ($100) Free Dinner ($100) CHECKS/CASH ON-LINE GRAND TOTAL
Crovo Diana Captain Online   Yes Yes P/U @ Wrap 2XL No No    $    420.00      $            420.00  $              16.50  $            436.50
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                               $                     -      $                     -  
GENERAL DONATIONS                              $                     -    $              75.00  $              75.00
Registration Overpay                              $                     -      $                     -  
Corporate Sponsor                               $                     -      $                     -  
Day Of - Team Raffles                              $                     -      $                     -  
Day Of -Booth Sales                              $                     -      $                     -  
1 1     0 0    $    420.00  $             -  
Total # of bands Total # of shirts     Total # of lunch Total # of dinner    Relay     
Count of team members 1   22-May-10    $            420.00  $              91.50  $            511.50
   Entry # 1   Entry # 2  (Checks/Cash) (On-Line Only) Total to Date
WOTH 1533